July 18, 2018
My mother-in-law left us her legacy via the huge pile of Scull-Craft calendars we found in her home when she died in 2012 at the age of 99. The last few calendars were tattered and stained, because she carried them with her everywhere, in a tote bag attached to her walker. Like other Scull-Craft fans, she used them to record the past and plan for the future. Each year she would carefully transcribe the dates of births and deaths, when houses were bought and sold, the acquisitions of pets and appliances and children, when vacations and hospitalizations took place - all the important stuff of a typical, 20th century life. It's a delight to read them. She used to purchase 20 or so as Christmas gifts; we are down to just 3 now (sorry, but that's all we need!) I have taken on her practice and love to compare the dates from year to year. I include when the tomatoes are planted, who has visited, who got married and when the first hummingbird is sighted in the spring. There is just enough space to draw a little something to commemorate special events. Thank you for maintaining the elegant design and the quality printing and paper. Best wishes to you for a peaceful 2018.